Sunday, January 30, 2011

Critique 1/28/11

Today I showed my thesis group some photos that I plan to use for my thesis project. They are still in the beginning stages of becoming what I want it to become. I am still shooting lights in the cover of darkness and shot these (the 3rd attempt) the same as the few before with a bunch of different lights. I think for my final attempt, I will try to have each dancer in a different color all to themselves. my fellow thesis classmates gave me some great ideas and artists to look at that might help me a little more in my process for my project. I was told to look at artists such as Robert Flomen who uses nature to make his images instead of a camera. His work is really amazing and has given me a few great ideas for my own work. I had asked if I should keep the "energies" contained withing the frame or not and got some mix feelings about it. Some thought that keeping it contained would draw the eye in more and some thought it was restricting to the energies. And others thought that I could let the lights move out of frame but not too much because it would start to look too much like abstract painting. I could see that happening. Another matter discussed was the size of my images. I knew I wanted to make them big but the question was, how big? The most common suggestion was to make them about life-sized. I really like that idea a lot. I love that they will be on a more realistic scale to really engage with the viewer. I want them to be life-like, just as if the energies were forming right in front of you. Other suggestions I received were to do all one color then introduce just a little of another color just to break up the continuity. I am really excited to shoot the new images but I am a little skeptical of the snow. It may cause me some problems so I am going to have to work on that.

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